This is like the SATs of Breakups.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could see where you stood in terms of worldwide breakups? Are you more like Taylor Swift, Lily Allen or Adele? Sometimes when relationships end, you feel like you’re all alone and the only one who is going through this horrible painful experience. Maybe your breakup is bad, maybe it’s not as bad.
We’ve interviewed and worked with a lot of people and realised everyone breaks up. We also thought it’d be interesting to create a fun, anonymous break up quiz so everyone can share their breakup experience in a fast (2-3 minutes) and interesting way.

Go here to do the quiz now.
Once you’ve taken the quiz, you can look at some breakup statistics in aggregate graphical form. This means you can see all the anonymous responses people have given and how your breakup stacks up in the grand scheme of breakups. Globally.
This breakup survey evaluate you, your relationship, and your breakup.
Relationship deep dive
Some people had a one-month relationship, some people had a twelve year relationship, some were married, some were in long-distance relationships, some had sex, some considered the their ex their best friend. We explore it all.

Get answers to:
- What caused the relationship to start in the first place?
- What percentage of relationships are long distance?
- What percent of couples considered their partner their best friend?
- How long is an average relationship?
- Was sex invovled in the relationship? And how much?
Breakup analysis
Just like ketchup, there isn’t a single kind of breakup. Breakups happen for a variety of reasons such a lack of communication, getting bored, meeting someone else, having an opportunity call in a different country, and the sad fact that some people simply have no future together. And sometimes the other person just gets too fat.
Thought Catalog has a hilariously true piece on the 19 signs that should breakup with someone. There’s also a 99 cent breakup or not mobile app that you can use to figure out if you should breakup with your boyfriend. It has a 5 star rating so it seems pretty legit. But then again, what ever happened to slowly torturing a daisy until it told you what you needed to know?
Get answers to:
- Who dumped whom’s ass?
- What percent of breakups are mutual?
- How painful is the average breakup?
- What percent of exes are on good terms?
- What are the top reasons relationships end?
- What are the top ways to breakup?
- How many breakups has the average person had?
- What percentage of people are willing to get back with their ex?
- What percentage of people lose their loved ones to death?
- What kinds of relationships fails the most?
These answers are available as soon as you take the quiz but are in aggregate meaning you can’t get crazy insights right away like 20% of all people in long distance didn’t have sex or people who considered their partners their best friends rated breakups 2x more challenging than those who didn’t. Or girls are more likely to end relationships than guys by 14%. Okay, so those stats aren’t true but you get the point. In time, we’ll be able to slice and dice that data so you’ll be able to get even more interesting breakup and relationship statistics.
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It’d be great if you tell your friends to do this quiz too. The more people who do this, the more accurate the results. It takes 2:46 minutes to complete. Also it’s pretty fun :)